Saturday, October 16, 2010

I never really evaluated my influence of 9/11. I was young and naive in September 2001. However, The mention of it haunts to this day. It appears everywhere, predominantly in my writing. I associate it with a unsatiable loss, not just for Americans but for humanity in general. The thought of people forgetting about it terrifies me.

Here is a man who dared to leave his living room on that day. While people were running over the Verrazano, Joe Picurro drove to face the evil lower Manhattan and not be paralyzed by fear. For this he is a hero.

I believe that true instances of humanity are shown in the darkest of times. This man is just about a martyr for what her did and his life is lost. So quite frankly, I am growing very very annoyed with the media. And as of late, I am sick of hearing about Bill O Riley and some dumb comments he made on The View. I am sick of hearing about political bullshit. Everyone has their own agenda.

Why isn't more attention drawn to people like this? That's what America should be talking about.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


And so I haven't posted anything in a great amount of time. Not that anything revolutionary has happened in the course of events since June.

Up in New Brunswick a boy has jumped off a bridge within the past 2 weeks. His roomates recorded a video him having sex with another man. And all the gay right's activists are crying about homicides and hate crimes... obnoxiously, i might add. I think the problem is that people just don't realize the consequences of their actions. This Tuesday, I heard an awesome quote about people just being kind to one another and how if more people were simply kind things like this just would not happen. I don't know how true that is. But why kill the magic?

You don't know what goes in other people's lives. A smile should never be devalued under any circumstances. And maybe if people did smile more suicides just wouldn't occur. Wishful thinking.

The statistic is that 1 person kills themselves every 18 minutes.

It takes .5 seconds to say hello to another human being.

The average mother goes through some 15 to 24 hours of labor to bring a baby into this world.

There are plenty of people within this world that love you. Whether you realize it or not.

All it takes is 5 minutes to make a permanent decision to end your life.

It's never as bad as it seems. I promise.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

tales from register 1

My job brings me closer to God. It's the simple act of waking up in the morning and putting on that ridiculous orange shirt. It's the simple act of human contact and letting your grandma yell at me for 5 minutes straight because her coupon has been expired since 1987. It's simple act of smiling and nodding politely and praying that she doesn't get run over in the parking lot for being such an unreasonable bitch.

Nana and I used to watch a sitcom called Joan of Arcadia on Fridays. It starred the girl from the Traveling Pants movies. Ever since that show went off air; that girl vanished from the prime time television. Maybe she will pop up sooner or later in some crappy lifetime flick. Give her about 10 more years and a few cesarean sections. The whole concept of Joan of Arcadia was that God would appear to her human form as some random stranger. One week it would be the desperate locker room victim of the high school football team; the next it would be the homeless junkie who has a knife to your mom's throat. The show was unusually deep theme for 2003... a time when everyone was so crazed in the whole jihadist weapons of mass destruction war on terror let's bomb people fiasco. Perhaps a sense of empathy was exactly what this country needed at that point in time. It's a absolute shame that religious tuned anthems are voided from our television sets only to be replaced by MTV fist pumping induced garbage. Apparently, teenagers that talk to God are just not cool enough for modern America.

However, I hold this crazy belief that no one is truly alone in this world. It is important never to take any kindness for granted because we simply do not know what goes on in the lives of others. Everyone goes through so much in their lives. So much that other people do not see. We become so self obsessed and personal. We become totally ignorant to one another. We forget this even in the most casual conversation. Perfect example. I was ringing up a man's lunch the other day. He had that typical senior citizen look to his face. The kind that comes in the form of wrinkles and the so assumed World War II veteran outlook. His jaw line sagged with bitterness. He looked so particularly miserable and seniorish that I assumed he was just being a typical rude old man. Angry and thinking the world owes him something. So upon parting with this grump, I told him in the most obnoxious blatant manner to have an utterly phenomenal day. He told me was just diagnosed cancer. I always choke on irony. And my words.